Sunday, October 27, 2013

CMD DOS BATCH Example of adding a comma delimiter to each character in a string

CMD DOS BATCH  Example of adding a comma delimiter to each character in a string

This example will take a string and add a comma after each character.  This will mek the variable able to be itterated one character at a time as well as count the number of characters, etc.


echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set myVar=AStringWithNoDelimiters
echo myVar 1 = !myVar!
call :StrToComSep myVar
echo myVar 2 = !myVar!

rem This subroutine takes a variable and places a comma after each character
rem and white space to be used as a deliminator
set string=!%1!#
set pos=0
        call set chr=%%string:~%pos%,1%%
        if !chr!==# goto done
        set varRebuild=!varRebuild!!chr!,
        set /a pos+=1
goto startLoop

set varRebuild=!varRebuild:~0,-1!
set "%1=%varRebuild%"

Output from the above example:

myVar 1 = AStringWithNoDelimiters
myVar 2 = A,S,t,r,i,n,g,W,i,t,h,N,o,D,e,l,i,m,i,t,e,r,s

Note:  This example based on example on;wap

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